Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Mary Beth Aspinall

Since the electoral boundaries were suddenly changed a few years ago, I have been forced to vote in an electoral district that I have no connection with, "represented" by people who never appear at my door or in my local media. I am located in the first lot outside the city of Peterborough, but have to vote in the Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock electoral district. I feel no connection with this area and wish that I could be re-instated to my home community of Peterborough. If it weren't for my feeling that I should always vote, I wouldn't bother and usually vote just for a party without any real sense of the individual I'm voting for. Please re-consider the Cavan Monaghan area in which I live and re-instate me with my home community.

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