Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 13 commentaires et rétroaction

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Konrad Brenner

I understand that the Commission has under consideration a boundary and name change for Simcoe North. I have two comments on that.

The new boundaries re not ideal but if the population numbers force you into it than so be it.

However the new name "Penetanguishene-Couchiching" is most ill advised for a few reasons.

  • Both words are harder to spell and pronounce that Simcoe North.
  • Most people in the Riding have a concept of the County but many do not know much about Penetanguishene or Couchiching
  • Couchiching is not a community and nobody lives in the lake by that name
  • According to Stats Canada, the vast majority of voters in Simcoe North are English speaking, hence it is a good idea to have "English" words in the Riding's name.

I therefore recommend you leave the Riding name "Simce North".

Konrad Brenner

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