Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 14 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ross Fidler

May wife and I object to the proposed change in the name and boundaries of the Simcoe North electoral and request that these changes not be made.

First, Simcoe North riding name has existed since Confederation and still summarizes the general area included in the riding. The proposed new name excludes both Simcoe and Orillia, the largest municipality in the riding. Penetanguishene is the smallest municipality in the riding and should not be given prominence.

Second, the boundary is being changed to reduce the level of support for the conservative party and raise the support for the Liberal Party in my opinion (please provided information proving me incorrect). Playing politics with boundaries is unacceptable. Additionally, residents north of line 9 are more affiliated with Orillia than Barrie. Shifting their votes to the Barrie riding will weaken their involvement in the riding.

Thank you in advance for not making these changes to Simcoe North riding.


Mr. Ross Fidler

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