Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Donna Drapkin

I object to the renaming and boundary changes within Simcoe North. From a historical perspective, and a logistic one, it simply does not make any sense. Our riding has been Simcoe North since its inception. It identifies our region through its geographical name. Since the provincial riding is also called Simcoe North, I am sure there will be major confusion should this name change go ahead.

I live in Tiny County outside of Penetanguishene and while I like that particular town, I see no reason to give it any more status than any of the other towns or cities in our area (i.e. Penetanguishene-Couchiching).

Also, according to friends who live there, the residents of Oro-Medonte northeast of the ninth line do most of their business in Orillia. Why link them with Barrie which already has a huge growth challenge?

Please reconsider this redistribution and renaming. It is a waste of taxpayers' money. I am sure you have worked hard to do sensible adjustments, but, honestly, this one is a bust.


Donna Drapkin

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