Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 32 commentaires et rétroaction

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Duncan McDonald

As a 25 year resident of Simcoe North I would like to respectfully ask the commission to retain the current riding name Simcoe North.

The name links itself historically back to the history of Canada and its founding democrac, something we should take pride in. In a hurry to appear culturally relevant we must not always opt to change history.

The proposed name of Penetanguishene/Couchiching, while an attempt to delineate the geographical boundaries, (which are ever changing) and some cultural recognition, which may be laudable; this name is both confusing and complex; think of the election signage.. One can only imagine the cost of the change and the number of affected parties that must change. As a resident of the largest city in the riding the proposed names offer only confusion, not clarity.

While I maintain that the best and most representative name is the one we currently have, any proposed change should involve some consulting with the residents.

I therefore urge the committee to KEEP the current riding name of Simcoe North.


Duncan McDonald

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