Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 42 commentaires et rétroaction

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Corrine Lalonde

I am writing to provide feedback on the proposed Collingwood-Blue Mountain electoral redistribution. I have reviewed the redistribution website including the current and proposed electoral districts for the area of Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, and Clearview Township.

I support the geographic redistribution within the new Collingwood-Blue Mountains electoral district. I believe the revised boundaries are more inclusive of communities that are physically close in nature, and share many similar attributes, services and amenities.

However, I do not support the name chosen, Collingwood-Blue Mountains. As a resident of Wasaga Beach, a town with a population equal or greater to that of Collingwood, I believe renaming this electoral district to something more inclusive of the population within it is more appropriate. Collingwood is frequently the location for government services and supports. It's unfortunate that the residents of Wasaga Beach are time and time again forced to rely on travel to Collingwood to meet many of their basic needs, despite having an equal or larger population.

I have two suggestions in this regard, first, "South or Southern Georgian Bay" and the second "Nottawasaga-Blue Mountains". I believe either of these names to be more inclusive of the geographic location of the electoral district as well as all of the communities within it.

Thank you very much for reviewing my comments.

Corrine Lalonde

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