Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 43 commentaires et rétroaction

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Curtis Handy

My name is Curtis Handy and I live in Warminster, Ontario. I am writing you in regards to the proposed boundary changes of our federal riding. We are currently located in Simcoe North and the ew proposal would move us to Barrie, Springwater, Oro-Medonte.

I am writing to tell you I am AGAINST these proposed changes. We are much more connected to the area of Orillia than Barrie. We do all our shopping, work, sports, recreation, volunteering, etc in the Orillia area. There is a big disconnect from the city of Barrie to our small town. I feel we would get lost in the busyness of the Barrie area and our needs would not be well represented. The Simcoe North area is where we are connected. Our current MP has offices in Midland and Orillia. He drives through our community to travel back and forth to these two offices. He knows and understands our needs better than an MP located in Barrie would. If these boundaries were changed the MP would travel in and out of their riding while traveling along Highway 12 the main east west highway in this area.

Also the population in Barrie and Springwater is projected to grow significantly. This would push the population for this riding way up. It does not make sense to be adding more territory to this area as it grows. Simcoe North is growing at a much more moderate rate and allows our local MP to be better connected to the many smaller communities.

We moved to this area from Barrie because we wanted to be in a smaller community where we knew all of our neighbours and could be more involved in a local community. This is something lost in the Barrie area as it continues to grow. This would make it harder for the local MP in Barrie to serve even more constituents.

Please reconsider these changes as we believe we are better represented on a federal level by a MP in Simcoe North who truly knows our community and the needs of our community.


Curtis Handy

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