Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 47 commentaires et rétroaction

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Doug Shipley

Ms. Paula Puddy

Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario N6E 3T3

September 20th, 2022

RE: Proposal for Ontario's Federal Electoral Boundaries

I would like to thank members of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario for the time and careful consideration that has been invested in this proposal.

As the Member of Parliament for Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte I feel that I have a unique perspective because my staff and I are regularly addressing this boundary with residents of Oro-Medonte.

I have been the Member of Parliament representing this riding since the General Election in 2019. In that time my staff and I have dealt with many Oro-Medonte residents who come to my office because they believe that I am the Member representing all of Oro-Medonte, as the riding name might imply. Often these residents have driven to my office to seek assistance or utilize passport services we provide only to be advised that I am not their MP, and they must contact the MP office in Simcoe North for assistance. In addition to those in person visits we redirect many email ansitelephone inquiries each week.

This problem has become most evident when dealing with certain federal concerns and I can provide two very specific examples.

Rural internet and lack of connectivity is a pressing issue for many residents of Oro-Medonte as this largely rural population is plagued with inadequate connectivity and poor cellular reception in many areas. Yet they are not being represented as one municipality at the federal level where we have the greatest opportunity to advocate for funding to improve that

Barrie Office

lance Blvd, Unit 104 Barrie, ON L4M5K3


Ottawa Office

Confederation Bldg, Room 252 Ottawa, ON K1A0H9 613-993-0718

My staff and I have worked diligently with the Oro-Medonte internet taskforce, and I have a staff member who is dedicated to this file and assisting constituents. While we enjoy working with this taskforce and supporting their efforts it is frustrating for all involved when we must involve another MP office to duplicate our inquiries for residents of Oro-Medonte beyond Line 9, and it isn't a good use of time or resources for anyone involved.

Early in 2022 I hosted a community cannabis forum, the decision to host this forum was based on a high volume of correspondence and calls that had been received in my office about certain facilities operating in Oro-Medonte that are licensed by Health Canada. In this forum I was available to answer questions alongside other elected officials including MPP Downey and Mayor Hughes. We also assembled a panel that included bylaw officers, representatives from Health Canada and OPP. The panel was able to answer questions and hear the concerns of these residents. This concern with licensed cannabis operations is not a concern that stops at Line 9, however there were Oro-Medonte residents in that forum that I can't represent because despite living in the same township, they live in a different riding.

Oro-Medonte is a strong community with a rapidly growing business community and shared concerns among all residents. Oro-Medonte has a thriving Chamber of Commerce dedicated to serving the members, there are new businesses opening regularly, they have grocery stores, farmers markets, a variety of restaurants, automotive mechanics, craft brewers, veterinary clinics, gas stations, gift shops and boutiques. Oro-Medonte is also home to two thriving ski resorts and a new spa. This is a self-sufficient municipality with unique needs, these citizens can't be divided and lumped in with the closest city. The residents of Oro-Medonte have unique needs and shared needs and they deserve to be represented by a member who serves the entire community and learns their needs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Doug Shipley, Member of Parliament

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