Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 48 commentaires et rétroaction

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Harry Hughes

Ms. Paula Puddy

Commission Secretary

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario N6E 3T3

September 14th 2022

Re: Written Submission-Proposal For Ontario's Federal Electoral Boundaries


I would like to begin by thanking the members of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario for the careful consideration that has been put into changes being proposed to electoral boundaries.

After taking time to carefully consider and review these proposed changes, that would see all of Oro-Medonte included in the federal riding of Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte, I want to take the opportunity to voice my support for this proposed change. As Mayor of Oro-Medonte, seeking re­election in the upcoming municipal election, I can tell you that it is beneficial to our municipality to be in one riding instead of being divided as we have been since 2015.

When we are seeking to advocate for change that will positively impact our municipality we must duplicate our efforts by reaching out to two Member's offices for information and/or meetings. Two Member's offices are then dedicating resources to the same issue. It would be a more efficient use of government resources and taxpayers dollars if all of our municipality was served by one Member as proposed by this commission.

The current boundary is on Line 9 and divides our municipality so that neighbors living directly across the road from one and other do not have the same MP.

Based on the concerns and frustrations that I have heard from residents, staff, and council I do strongly feel that this change is in the best interest of the residents of Oro-Medonte.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts on this proposed change.


Harry Hughes

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