Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 50 commentaires et rétroaction

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Joe Martin

Before dealing with the specifics of the renaming of Simcoe North I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on the Ontario report.

The Report made me proud to be a Canadian, especially when I read about the Gerrymandering that goes on the in the United States.

Having said that I would like to retain the name Simcoe North both as a resident and as an historian.

The name has served the area well since 1867 when Thomas David McConkey was elected by acclamation.

As we all know John Graves Simcoe was Upper Canada's first Lieutenant Governor who established the capital in what is now Toronto and began the construction of Yonge St to link the Upper and Lower Lakes.

As long ago as 1793 Simcoe had legislation passed outlawing further introduction of slaves into Upper Canada and setting the stage for emancipation of existing slaves a measure that reflected his personal abhorrence of slavery.

I do hope the Commission will give consideration to retaining the Simcoe name.

Yours sincerely

Joe Martin, F.C.M.C., LL.D.,

President of the Canadian Business History Association

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