Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Hawley Shields

I am very opposed to the removal of Parkdale from the name of this area, where I have lived and voted for over 30 years. Parkdale is known for its decades of struggle and resilience. As a poor neighborhood, it has often been stigmatized and underserved. Removing its name , in effect , erases its long history of providing a home for POC, immigrants, mental health patients et al. Parkdale has also become proudly known as little Tibet. It's a serious disservice to the many courageous individuals who call Parkdale home to take away the name of their proud community.

As a resident of this area, I want it understood that I welcome the inclusion of an indigenous name added to the current nomenclature. I fully support acknowledgment of the indigenous roots here.

But I also ask for clarity on the process. How was this particular indigenous name chosen? What indigenous organizations had input in its choice? Were there several options? A name change is important and residents deserve to understand all those involved in the choice and exactly why this name was decided on.

I look forward to a prompt and detailed response to my questions and concerns.


Hawley Shields

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