Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Denise Bacon

I am writing to request that the existing electoral boundaries which define the existing six ridings in Scarborough be retained as is. If there is any change to be made, then the change must be to increase the number of ridings within Scarborough to seven or eight from the current six ridings, NOT to decrease the number of ridings.

Scarborough has been my home for 50 years during which time I have become married, had three children and four grandchildren all within Scarborough. I have witnessed many changes in every aspect of life from population increase, demographic changes, housing and business developments, new businesses, new schools, etc. Scarborough is growing fast and seems to be a destination of choice for newcomers who settle, thrive and contribute to Scarborough's rich heritage and to Canada as a nation.

Scarborough NEEDS strong representation at the Federal level of government to represent the huge and diverse population across this, the largest area of the GTA, to ensure it receives its fair share of Federal resources. Ridings need to represent the essence of the local populations within their boundaries, as they currently do in Scarborough.

Fair representation across the country would actually increase the number of seats allocated to Scarborough. There needs to be proportional representation based on current and projected population, not on arbitrary geographic boundaries. A democratic Government is elected to represent people. People vote. Geography does not.

Please do not decrease nor change the electoral ridings within Scarborough, Ontario.

Thank you for your attention.

Denise Bacon

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