Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 103 commentaires et rétroaction

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Beverley Timgren

I am a senior who has lived in Willowdale my entire life and continue to reside there. I have voted in my Willowdale riding since I was eligible to vote. In my experience, my community has been well represented by the Members of Parliament we have elected. I have personally engaged with our Willowdale Members of Parliament at times and have seen their engagement with and commitment to serve our community. I am writing now to express my concern over the proposed change that would divide Willowdale and incorporate part into York Central and the other part into Bayview Finch. Willowdale, as a separate electoral district, would no longer exist. I do not believe this change would be in the best interests of my community and wish to state in writing that I do not support it. I request that Willowdale remain as the electoral district it is at present.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Beverley Timgren

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