Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 108 commentaires et rétroaction

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Adrian Cheung, Dr

Thank you for the opportunity to allow the public to submit this written submission regarding the Scarborough North federal electoral constituency. As the former chairman of the Chinese Cultural Centre (CCC), located within Scarborough North, I am extremely concerned about diminishing representation for the Chinese community with the proposed new move.

The CCC was established to serve the growing multicultural community in northern Scarborough and to preserve and share the rich histories, cultures and traditions of the Chinese community in Canada. The Scarborough North constituency has a Chinese population of almost 50%. Having a strong voice in Parliament, it makes possible the work of such organizations as the CCC that are contributing to the rich tapestry of Canadian multiculturalism.

Moving the CCC into the proposed new Scarborough-Rouge Park federal electoral constituency does not respect the history of the Chinese community and will diminish the voice and identity of our community that we collectively and proudly call ourselves Chinese-Canadian.

Community representation is extremely important. I urge you to take our community's concerns into serious consideration and come up with a better plan, one that keeps the CCC in Scarborough North and respects the representation for the struggles and successes of Canada's Chinese community.


Dr. Adrian Cheung
Former Chairman, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

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