Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 114 commentaires et rétroaction

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Alexandra Thatcher

Hello and thank you for all your work in this difficult district redistribution process. I'm concerned about the renaming of Parkdale- High Park and the transparency around the remaining process. Primarily I am concerned at the level of consultation which was had with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and people regarding the use of their name place in the federal elections process. Particularly given that for the most part the Haudenosaunee do not recognize the claims of Canadian sovereignty over themselves and their lands. I would therefore urge you to meaningfully consult with the Confederacy (this means going way beyond speaking to the Band Council at Six Nations which was put in place by the colonial legislation of the Indian Act), before using their name place.

Secondly I would like to address the removal of Parkdale from the new name of Taiaiako'n—High Park. Parkdale is a name that is very meaningful to residents such as myself. This has for many decades been a congregation spot for many marginalized people and this name helps provide a sense of identity and community. I would urge you to re-insert Parkdale in the name of the riding as its removal feels like a government sanctioned erasure of a community that means so much to those that live in this neighbourhood.

To sum up please keep Parkdale in the name of the riding and ensure that you have meaningfully consulted with the Haudenosaunee before using their name place in a federal elections process.

Thank you for your time,

Alexandra Thatcher

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