Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 116 commentaires et rétroaction

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Allan D Beattie

I have lived in Agincourt for 50 years and have proudly enjoyed being a part of the community that has been known as Agincourt for 164 years since the area was first settled.

I coached baseball and soccer for both my children and also was a Beaver and Cub leader in the 291st Beaver/Cub/Scout group for the years my son was a member. I also was a member of St. Timothy's Anglican Church for many years, a church at the heart of the old village of Agincourt.

I believe strongly that eliminating the name of Scarborough/Agincourt is a major mistake for the proposed boundaries to rename the area Scarborough Northwest, a name with no history. Why eliminate a name from the area that has been in existence since before Canada became a country ?

This makes no sense whatsoever especially since the area continues to grow in population and development.

I hope the decision to remove the name Scarborough/Agincourt from the official list of Ridings is rescinded and if boundaries need to be adjusted the name Scarborough/Agincourt remains forever as part of the heritage of our great city of Toronto, and the residents of our beloved Agincourt.

Allan D Beattie

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