Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 120 commentaires et rétroaction

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Andre Fast,
President, Toronto-Danforth Federal NDP Riding Association

Janet Solberg,
President, Toronto-Danforth Provincial NDP Riding Association

Dear Members of the Commission,

The Toronto-Danforth Federal and Provincial NDP Riding Associations are pleased to participate in the decennial review of our electoral boundaries. Our members are actively involved in the Toronto-Danforth community. We have a deep knowledge of our riding and have worked in every corner of the riding over the years.

We echo MPP Peter Tabuns' strong preference to keep the boundaries of Toronto-Danforth the same as they are currently. However, like Peter, we understand this may not be an option given population changes. In this case, we believe your proposal to expand Toronto-Danforth east and maintain the western and northern border is the best option for our riding.

Your proposal maintains communities of interest and identify. In particular, your proposal keeps communities such as East Chinatown, Greek Town and Little India together. In addition, your proposal keeps neighbourhoods such as Riverdale, Leslieville, Playter Estates, Gerrard/Ashdale Village and Pape Village together.

The Don Valley is a significant physical barrier that separates downtown Toronto and the east end, which are two distinct communities within the city. The Valley boundary is longstanding and has played a major role in the development of east end communities. We are glad to see that you've maintained this boundary with your proposal.

Similarly, your proposal to expand Toronto-Danforth east on the north side of Danforth is a better option than expanding the riding south of the Danforth. The neighbourhoods in the north have much in common as they were both part of the old borough of East York.

While we would prefer no changes to our boundary, we believe the next best option is what you've outlined in your proposal. Most importantly we would like to thank you for your efforts to keep Toronto-Danforth as an east end community by maintaining the Valley as the western and norther borders.


Andre Fast President,
Toronto-Danforth Federal NDP Riding Association

Janet Solberg President,
Toronto-Danforth Provincial NDP Riding Association

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