Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 128 commentaires et rétroaction

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Anuraag Bhardwaj

I am against the merging of Scarborough–Agincourt with Scarborough North due to the fact that Scarborough is growing at a faster rate than other ridings in Canada. With the building of several dozen condominium towers and high-density housing around the future Scarborough subway stops, we as Scarborough residents will be under-represented at the municipal, provincial and federal levels.

There is quite a large number of immigrants settling in Scarborough who may also be unable to complete the national census due to language and other barriers, so the use of the national Census for the basis of a merger of electoral districts is the use of incomplete data. I urge the Commission and Minister Chen to stop the merger due to the reasons outlined in this email.


Anuraag Bhardwaj

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