Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 140 commentaires et rétroaction

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Carol Johnson

I was informed about the redistribution of electoral districts and I strongly oppose the action. Scarborough should not see a reduction of seats, nor should it lose territory to North York. I first moved to Scarborough in 1954 as a child. When it was time for high school, I attended school in North York. Clearly, I was aware of the difference culturally and much preferred the atmosphere of Scarborough. As the City grew, and became more diverse, it has maintained its own sense of community and inclusion. That cannot be said for all neighbourhoods in the GTA.

Today, many newcomers to Canada have settled in Scarborough and it has a high population density. It is important to allow appropriate representation to this region. To reduce the electoral seats is unfair to the people who make their homes in Scarborough.

I firmly support the Scarborough Community Renewal Organization proposal to retain 6 Scarborough tidings, as well as existing boundaries. Let us retain the diverse cultures and ensure our rapidly growing population has their fair share of representation.

Carol Johnson

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