Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 142 commentaires et rétroaction

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Charlotte Rouse

I appreciate the chance to send you my input on the commission's proposal and to contribute to the public consultation stage. I further thank you for your work.

I am a resident of Etobicoke Centre.

I am happy to see that the commission is recommending bringing back to Etobicoke Centre the Willowridge area just south of the 401.

This is an important community that was removed from Etobicoke Centre last time during this same process 10 years ago when it became a part of Etobicoke North.

Since then, residents of Willowridge have had to travel beyond Highways 401 and 409, past Rexdale Blvd., and pass through the big industrial and commercial zone before getting to any other community in Etobicoke North.

In this way, the Willowridge community was disconnected from the other Etobicoke North communities.

I also think making Highway 401 the general northernmost boundary of Etobicoke Centre is very practical.

Adding the communities south of the 401, but still north of Dixon Rd., makes complete sense. Some of these communities faced the same detachment issue as the Willowridge community in Etobicoke North as outlined above.

But with the commission's proposal, these communities would remain with their Kingsview Village-The Westway neighbourhood in the same riding. This neighbourhood is one of the 158 neighbourhoods that Toronto's municipal government established and which the city deems as planning neighbourhoods.

I believe it is a good idea that we align our communities and neighbourhoods with regard to services. With that in mind, it is important to note that Dixon Grove Junior School and Kipling Collegiate are the nearest TDSB schools at the intermediate and secondary levels for students who reside in Kingsview Village. Both schools are in Etobicoke Centre.

Thank you for considering my input and thank you for your time.

Charlotte Rouse

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