Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 143 commentaires et rétroaction

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Chris Menary

I currently live in the riding of York South-Weston, and would like to comment on the proposed changes to the new "Humber" riding.

I have no issues with the boundaries, but the name to me has several issues:

  • It takes away the name Weston, which has been a community in Toronto for 200 years. Rosedale, Mount Pleasant, Danforth, and The Beaches are all kept but Weston is dropped
  • It is inconsistent with the proposed riding name to the north, Black Creek. To keep the naming convention Humber should be "Humber River"
  • The Humber River actually flows through at least 10 ridings, so why does this one get the name?

A better proposed name would be "Humber Valley - Weston", reflecting the river, the community of Humber Valley Village on the west bank, and the community of Weston of the east.

Thank you

Chris Menary

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