Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 149 commentaires et rétroaction

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Claire Huang Kinsley

I support the idea of adding the name Taiaiak'on to the riding to reflect the area's Indigenous history. However, I object to dropping the name Parkdale. I have lived in Parkdale for over ten years, and worked at the Parkdale Community Information Centre for over twenty years. Parkdale has a strong, vibrant community identity and history of its own. Why not keep all three names: Taiaiak'on-Parkdale-High Park? Or, if that is too long, why not Taiaiak'on-Parkdale? Parkdale is home to many newcomers and low-income people, many of whom face language and literacy barriers, and I think it is more important for these communities to have easy name-recognition of their riding than it is for the residents of High Park, who tend toward a more affluent demographic. Plus, if you drop Parkdale and retain High Park, it's hard not to feel that the more affluent neighbourhood is being perceived as more important than the less affluent one. Which is not a great feeling.

Thank you for considering this feedback.

Claire Huang Kinsley

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