Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 166 commentaires et rétroaction

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Venki Subramaniam

Being a resident of Agincourt village since 2004, it is disappointing to note about not having a federal representation for our cause and concerns. By this I mean that redistribution and grouping our electoral boundaries with another riding dilutes the challenges this community had fought hard and won for one of the oldest villages of Agincourt. With influx of new immigrants and Scarborough being a natural magnet for families to settle and establish their roots, this redistribution seems to run contrary to the very principles and rights that we all have fought, sacrificed and held dear to our heart . Hence, It is a real concern when our voices get diluted, drowned or not heard by this redistribution.

Hopefully the commission will reconsider the redistribution and allow the existing status quo to prevail.


Venki Subramaniam

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