Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 167 commentaires et rétroaction

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Vanessa Clarke

I understand you are considering changing the federal electoral boundaries.

I strongly object to the proposed changes. The proposal will put me and my neighbours in the riding of York Centre. Our area of West Lansing (south west of Yonge/Sheppard) is currently part of the Willowdale riding with Yonge Street as our main place of commerce. We regularly walk to Yonge Street to shop, dine, have doctors and dentists appointments. We have nothing in common with the riding of York Centre. I rarely go there and know nothing of the issues, the shopping, the commerce, etc.

I implore you to consider leaving the natural boundary of the West Don River as the boundary for our area and leave out community (we are only about 1,000 homes) in the proposed future Bayview Finch riding.

Many thanks for your consideration,

Vanessa Clarke

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