Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 168 commentaires et rétroaction

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Please find attached the written submission prepared by the University–Rosedale NDP Riding Associations as part of the federal decennial redistribution process taking place in 2022.


Boundary Proposal:

University–Rosedale NDP Riding Association


The Ontario NDP University–Rosedale Riding Association is pleased to participate in the decennial review of our electoral boundaries. As per your analysis, the boundaries of the riding are set to change. Though we support the simplification of the Yonge St. border, we propose two modifications:

  1. Move the southern border from Dundas St, to Queen St.
  2. Move the Northeastern border from St Clair Ave and Bayview Ave to the CN Rail tracks and Mt Pleasant Rd.

Fig. 1 shows the current, federally proposed, and NDP EDA proposals. A detailed written description is also available in the appendix.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Keeping Communities Together

At present, the historic Chinatown neighbourhood is divided between two ridings, with the border running through the commercial and residential centre of the community. In moving the border down to Queen St, the majority of the community will be included in a single riding, thus achieving one of the goals of the commission.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Text BoxText BoxText BoxIn moving the boundary South, the population of University–Rosedale will exceed the population limit, therefore necessitating further adjustments. We therefore recommend that portions of the neighbourhoods of Rosedale and Moore Park be moved to the new riding of St Clair–Mount Pleasant, and the boundary be relocated to Mt. Pleasant Rd, and the CN Rail tracks (see appendix for details).

As it stands, the communities are already closely integrated with areas to the north. For example, the two local elementary schools, the nearest pharmacy, and the two nearest hockey arenas are all located in what would be the riding of St. Clair–Mount Pleasant. The demograpics of Rosedale and Moore Park also align quite closely with the northern riding, with comparable median incomes, and ethnic makeup, according to Statistics Canada. Though residents of these areas have been active, and valued voices in the riding, we are confident that they will integrate well in the St. Clair–Mount Pleasant district.

Aligning With the Built Form

Aligning the riding boundaries to the City of Toronto's built form is important in fostering communal identity, as it makes "University–Rosedale" not only an administrative boundary, but a discernible place. Both of our proposals take steps towards this goal.

Though density levels vary significantly in downtown Toronto, there are a number of noticeable transitions between low, medium, and high, which provide natural boundaries. Our proposal would have the riding make up the majority of the medium density housing in central Toronto, giving it a unique identity.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

We appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commission. Please let us know if you would like more detail or any clarification regarding our recommendations.

-University–Rosedale NDP Riding Association Executive

Appendix: Written Description

Queen St, between Ossington Ave and Yonge St.

Bloor St, between Yonge St and Mt Pleasant Rd.

Mt Pleasant Rd, between Bloor St and the CN Rail tracks.

CN Rail tracks, between Mt Pleasant to Avenue Rd.

Avenue Rd, between the CN Rail tracks and Dupont St.

Dupont St, between Avenue Rd and Ossington Ave.

Ossington Ave, between Dupont St and Queen St.

University-Rosedale Riding Association Contacts

Andrea Creamer
Provincial President
University–Rosedale Ontario NDP

Fred Shilson
Federal President University–Rosedale NDP

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