Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 180 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tony Yu

I am an undergraduate student who was raised and grew up in this wonderful community – I feel the need to voice my concerns as it pertains to the future of my community. The proposed changes for Scarborough-Agincourt would benefit no one in our community, or in the neighbouring districts we are being combined or subtracted from. We need representation at the highest level of government for our community, and this proposal seeks to undermine our voices. Young people of my generation and those living here in the future will need representation in this growing district, and as the electoral boundaries pertain to the long-term vision of this multicultural district and city, the proposal could not be more counterproductive.

Scarborough-Agincourt is a community of great interest and potential, with projected growth in our diverse population, housing opportunities and public transit developments which will impact our city as a whole. It is antithetical that with a growing community comes a diminished representation in the Federal government. The most impactful advocacy for funding and support to bolster our existing services (Health Care, Senior Care), as well as for prospective projects and development (higher-density planning and development, Sheppard-East subway extension) must come through the House of Commons, and 6 members of parliament for Scarborough - with a representative for Scarborough-Agincourt being one of them - is crucial.

With the large and growing population of Scarborough-Agincourt, it is of utmost importance to uphold and reinforce the democratic rights of the people of this district, and reducing our community's voices and our representation in the House of Commons will only accomplish the opposite.

Tony Yu

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