Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 204 commentaires et rétroaction

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Sandra Geddes

I do not propose to make a representation at a hearing respecting my riding; the date of the hearing has passed. I do want to express my concerns about the proposed boundary change affecting my riding, though.

I live at XXXXXX, Toronto, XXX XXX, a neighbourhood called North Leaside because it is north of Eglinton Avenue, and which is part of the former Town of Leaside. All of Leaside is currently in Don Valley West, but the proposal splits the riding, with North Leaside staying in DVW and South Leaside (i.e., most of Leaside south of Eglinton) joining St. Clair-Mount Pleasant. This splits our community. All of North Leaside's community facilities, shops and schools but one, a JK-Gr 8 school, are in South Leaside. Because we have been one community for over 100 years, we have integrated networks and common concerns.

Separating North Leaside form the rest of Leaside will effectively orphan us geographically, as to the north and east of us is ravine and institutional land which separates us from the residential areas north of those lands (which has different demographics from Leaside) and the lands on the far side of Wilket Creek by Leslie Street that are slated for redevelopment. We have no physical connection to any of those lands except to travel along Bayview Avenue and Eglinton Avenue, respectively. On the south, our boundary is (for the most part) Eglinton Avenue, and to the west, Bayview Avenue. Most of the lands west of Bayview across from North Leaside were formerly part of North York and North Toronto and do not have to facilities we have in South Leaside.

In Leaside, we are part of one, integrated, community with many common concerns.

You may say my comments are irrelevant because this redistribution is a federal one and such local concerns are provincial or municipal, but in Ontario, the Province decided a number of years ago that Provincial ridings are to match the Federal ones, and, more recently, Municipal wards are to match Provincial ridings. The result of splitting Leaside is therefore a matter of access to and having a say about provincial and municipal concerns. Our high school, community centres, library, park and shops are all in South Leaside. North Leaside belongs with South Leaside.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sandra Geddes

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