Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 205 commentaires et rétroaction

Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

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Samuel Lee

I, the undersigned member of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, am greatly concerned about the proposed changes to the Federal Electoral Districts, particularly the loss of an electoral riding in Scarborough-North and Scarborough- Agincourt in Toronto. I oppose to this re-distribution change proposal

My daughter and I wish to keep the riding of Scarborough-Agincourt intact, honouring the diversity and development of Scarborough-Agincourt. Keeping the riding will also allow Scarborough to be properly represented in the federal, provincial, and municipal level. We live on the east side of Warden Avenue. The redistribution will split us apart from Bridlewood Mall, which is west of Warden and will become part of Don Valley North.



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