Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 216 commentaires et rétroaction

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Richie Francisco

My name is Richie and I'm a resident of Scarborough, Ontario and have been for 27 years. Scarborough definitely does not get the same attention as other parts of Toronto but has a lot of heart.

This is why I'm outraged by the proposal to combine Scarborough North & Scarborough Agincourt with North York. We already get less opportunities and funding from the city, and by taking one of six wards away from us will mean even less for Scarborough. Does that seem fair to you?

We are not some land that you can just take away. I'm disappointed in this proposal and suggest you listen to the voices of Scarborough because we matter.

Please reconsider this proposal.


Richie Francisco

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