Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 217 commentaires et rétroaction

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Richard Lee
S.E.A.S. Centre

I am writing to express my disagreement with your proposed elimination of one Scarborough's riding. I am perplexed by your explanation.

I am the Executive Director at S.E.A.S. Centre which provides social services to Scarborough residents. When we do service planning we project population growth and demographic changes. It doesn't take rocket science to project that the population in Scarborough, particularly in Agincourt and neighborhoods along the Scarborough subway extension, will increase substantially because of the soon to begin multiple condo developments and other developments benefited by the new subway line. My estimation is 25,000 to 35,000 in the near future and substantially more over the finishing of the new subway line. Instead of adding representation to these neighborhoods, you are reducing it. It is totally illogical.

In addition, your proposal neglects the identity, pride, social support network, and history of these neighborhoods which have high concentrations of newcomers, detached elderly people and needy people. Your proposed changes will lead to loss of not just one federal representative to support them but probably also provincial and municipal representatives. I hope they are not targeted because they traditionally are less capable of voicing out their dissatisfaction and concerns.

I earnestly request you to maintain the number of Scarborough ridings at 6.

Richard Lee
S.E.A.S. Centre

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