Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 218 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ric Amis
Secretary/Chair, Parkdale Residents Association

The Parkdale Residents Association would like to voice its objection to the removal of 'Parkdale' from the Electoral District name.

Parkdale (Village) historically was a major portion of the riding.

Parkdale is a long standing neighbourhood in Toronto and needs to be respected.

A fact that is exemplified in the number of organizations that include 'Parkdale' in their name - this residents association being one.

We are not adverse to the inclusion of Taiaiako'n. There is no explanation on your website to why the name 'Parkdale' is to be eliminated and no explanation as to what the new name Taiaiako'n means and its significance to the area.

In closing, we ask that you reconsider and include 'Parkdale' in the Electoral District name.

Ric Amis

Secretary/Chair, Parkdale Residents Association

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