Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 228 commentaires et rétroaction

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Patricia Sinclair

Upon reviewing the Commission's Report, it would appear to me, from your proposed changes that the data you are working with is flawed and the cultural identity and historical significance of our Community completely ignored.

It is somewhat laughable in an area with increased development and an ongoing influx of newcomers - over several decades - to believe that we LOST thousands of residents in 5 years.

As a former (2011) Census Crew Leader for Scarborough-Agincourt I have first-hand experience on how difficult it is to get an accurate count of our population at the best of times. But to rely upon a count, taken during the height of a global pandemic, in an area with one of the highest diversity rates in Canada where many are suspicious of government to begin with and simply refuse to answer the door to strangers is disingenous.

There is no recognition of the acknowledged under coverage for which Toronto overall is estimated at 6 %. And, in our Community with a large population of non-traditional residents it is much higher. Overlooking this known fact is negligent.

I do not believe the role of the Electoral Boundary Commission is to engage in identity politics, but this seems to be the case as demonstrated by your redistribution proposals that create enclaves.

The very idea runs contrary to what Canada is all about - diversity is our strength.

History informs us on the dangers of creating ghettos.

Scarborough has been consistently under served for decades and strong electoral representation is one of the central keys to ameliorating our community.

The impact of removing an entire riding in an ethnically diverse community with diverging needs is untenable in a democratic country. It amounts to taxation without representation.

For these and many more reasons well addressed by my fellow Scarberians, I would respectfully suggest to the Commission Members to leave well enough alone.

Keep Scarborough Six.

Patricia Sinclair

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