Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 231 commentaires et rétroaction

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Noel Semple

Dear Ms. Puddy and Ontario Boundary Commission Members,

I am writing in support of the proposed boundary divisions for the riding of Etobicoke Centre. I believe that these would be an improvement over the current ones with regard to communities of interest and communities of identity, which are identified by s. 15(1)(b)(i) of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act as guiding considerations in this process.

— the proposal would extend the boundary northwards to Highway 401, instead of the current boundary of Dixon. Many individuals of Somali background live in buildings on both sides of Dixon.

This change would reunite this community of interest.

— the proposed northern boundary of Highway 401 is a natural boundary representing communities of interest and identity. People tend not to cross Highway 401 by foot or on bicycle, because it is relatively dangerous and unpleasant to do so. This makes it more likely that people who live on one side of Hwy 401 will have friends, and patronize businesses on the same side. Thus, adopting this as a boundary increases the chance that communities of interest and identity will be kept together.

— Etobicoke has grown substantially since the last redistribution, and the proposal would give Etobicoke 3.5 ridings instead of 3. This will bring the vote weight for Etobicokeans closer to the equal representation that they deserve.

— A new community of high-rise buildings is being constructed at Six Points. Residents are likely to have a community of interest with regard to issues such as transit and housing policy. The current Etobicoke Centre southern boundary runs along Bloor street, the north side of which is likely to soon be redeveloped as part of Six Points. The proposed boundary would include the entire Six Points high-rise area.

— the neighbourhood of "Islington" is recognized by the City of Toronto: see Toronto neighbourhood profiles. The current Etobicoke Centre boundary roughly bisects this neighbourhood. The new boundary would include all of this neighbourhood, with the exception of a few buildings east of Islington.

Thank you for considering this submission,

Noel Semple

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