Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 247 commentaires et rétroaction

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Maralynn Beach

I propose that South Leaside continue to be a part of Don Valley West . The following are my reasons why:

  1. North and South Leaside have been combined as the Leaside Community for many years. There is no long standing connection between South Leaside and the new riding of St. Clair-Mount Pleasant.
  2. In previous years the Leaside area was its own incorporated town- one community.
  3. South Leaside has many ties with Thorncliffe part of the riding. These ties of respect and trust should be strengthened, not diminished by removing South Leaside from Don Valley West.
  4. The average number of voters per riding could be obtained by keeping the North and South Leaside Community together and making the northern boundary York Mills Road rather than highway 401.

Respectfully submitted

Maralynn Beach

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