Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 249 commentaires et rétroaction

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Lisa Provost

I strongly disagree with the proposed changes to Scarborough Agincourt whereby the street I live on is a part of the affected area of Scarborough which is being added to a North York District. I have been living in Scarborough for 30 years now from back when Scarborough still had its own City government. My family and children have grown up in Scarborough, have long been participants in sports and community events for the city of Scarborough and have no identity with North York. The border between Scarborough and North York has always been Victoria Park and I strongly believe that that should remain so.

There is no doubt that this change in jurisdictions will be diminishing the number of ridings and representatives in government for Scarborough. Scarborough has changed a lot since I moved here and if anything requires more representation and services than less. Additionally, this is going to impact property assessments significantly if the proposed changes go through, and this will result in increased taxes.

If the government has any concerns about voter turnout in federal elections then I would recommend that you leave the western border for Scarborough the same as it is today (Victoria Park) and afford the residents of Scarborough to remain a part of the community they identify and are a part of. As a voter I do not identify as a person from North York as it does not represent the community that I reside in. I feel that this will lead to my apathy in voting as I do not identify myself nor have any connection to North York.

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