Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 251 commentaires et rétroaction

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Linda Strevens
Terry Strevens

We are writing to you to voice our opinion about the possible proposed redistribution of the Leaside riding. We have resided in South Leaside since 1983 and have raised our two sons in this lovely community neighbourhood. Each of our sons now have homes in South Leaside as well. They attended Rolph Road school from JK-Grade 6, Bessborough Public school for Grades 7 & 8 then Leaside Highschool for Grades 9-OAC. They also participated in all of the organized sports in the area. It is such a delight to know that our grandchildren will be attending the local schools as well.

This now brings me to the concern of the redistribution of the Leaside Riding as the Federal electoral boundaries also are used for the provincial boundaries and the municipal wards. Our MP, MPP and Municipal representatives have had a voice at the constituency level. The number of municipal wards has already been reduced in 2018 from 47 to 25 so a further reduction and a larger ward puts enormous pressure on an already overworked City Councillor. By breaking up the ward, implementing a very strange boundary separation with Leaside residences places additional pressure on the Councillors as Leaside is one area and is best represented by the boundaries of the present situation, that being one Councillor representing Don Valley West.

Please consider this as a representation against the redistribution of Leaside. It provides a community base, friendly neighbourhoods, excellent schools and a highly sought area to reside. Making a change to the boundaries to include anything larger and further west of the current ward makes no sense and certainly reduces our voice on certain local issues.

Yours truly,

Linda and Terry Strevens

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