Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 253 commentaires et rétroaction

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Linda Prue

The proposed changes to the Don Valley West riding are divisive and disastrous in my opinion, and in the viewpoints of my Leaside friends and neighbours. Leaside has NEVER been a divided community. For example, children from south of Eglinton attend school north of Eglinton , and people from north of Eglinton worship at churches south of Eglinton. All of Leaside patronizes the businesses on Bayview between Moore and Broadway. Also, please be aware of Leaside's history as a political entity with its own mayor and administration until it amalgamated with East York.

Redistribution cannot be accomplished by an algorithm: the culture and needs of a community must be of paramount consideration and importance.

Eglinton Avenue only passes through the two halves of Leaside. Please ensure it does not divide our community.


Linda Prue

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