Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 271 commentaires et rétroaction

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Karla Villanueva Danan

I am writing regarding the name change to Parkdale-High Park. As a resident and community organizer in this neighborhood, I believe it would be a detriment to our community to entirely remove "Parkdale" from the name of the riding.

The Parkdale spirit is strong and has a long history of working class resistance, organizing, and mutual aid. Parkdale is known for its immigrant populations and as the first home for many Filipino, Tibetan, Ethiopian and other newcomers to Canada. It is a neighbourhood that has persisted with one of the highest concentrations of community service organizations when it has been historically underresourced by governments.

To remove "Parkdale" would be an affront to the community here that has refused to be gentrified and erased for decades.

I urge you to ensure that the name "Parkdale" remains in the new name recommended for this riding. I wholly support the comments of our MPP Bhutila Karpoche on this matter.


Karla Villanueva Danan

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