Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 279 commentaires et rétroaction

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Joseph Uranowski

My name is Joseph Uranowski. I am a resident of the Deer Park community in Toronto St. Paul's.

Here are my thoughts on the proposed St. Clair-Mount Pleasant riding:

  1. The name: A riding named Toronto-St. Paul's has existed for almost 100 years. Please keep the name as is.
  2. For Davisville Village, the extension of moving the East border to Bayview, would re-unite Davisville Village. Previous to the last redistribution, Davisville Village included the area West of Bayview. Today, this is still known as Davisville Village but it is separated into two districts; Toronto-St Paul's and Don Valley West. As the MP for Toronto-St. Paul's it is common to have still have the residents in this area come first to the Toronto-St. Paul's constituency office to look for support. Though as of 2011 their riding office is Don Valley West Office. It will be so great for this community to re-unite under the same district.
  3. Deer Park (my home.)

If you read the report from 1987 (the year I was born) from the Riding Boundaries commission, the commission has been trying to cut deer park in half for 35 years. In 1987 they heard lots of feedback from Deer Park and decided against splitting the community. The Library is across the street from my apartment is Deer Park library. I feel a sense of community with all of Deer park. I take the St. Clair subway to work every day and I have noticed that people from all of Deer park use this station.

In conclusion: I think the commission should keep the changes to the Western portion of the riding, but should only extend the riding all the way to Bayview to re-unite Davisville but also keep Leaside intact in the riding of Don Valley West. Also please keep Deer Park united, in Toronto-St. Paul's.

Also thank you for your work.

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