Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 281 commentaires et rétroaction

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John Jeevaratnam

I for one have witnessed living through amalgamation, later, the reduction of the city council, and the ambiguity from all these changes. As a resident of Scarborough for nearly four decades, I am not too keen on seeing the reduction of representation from a boundary change.

In my opinion it seems like our voice is being silenced when our representation is reduced. We have been integral to the growth of this city, and have been a contributing partner all these years. A boundary change is not necessary when other pressing issues like inflation, recession, and the environment require our attention.

Generations have been born, and had children of their own in Scarborough. Many have lived and grown-up making memories in Scarborough. It is part of our joint history, and we like to have our place in government, and retain our history for generations to come.

From the home above the bluffs, thanks for hearing me out.

John Jeevaratnam

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