Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 283 commentaires et rétroaction

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Joan Watson

First Agincourt was railroaded into becoming a part of Scarborough.

Then Scarborough was railroaded into becoming part of Toronto and now you want to completely annihilate Agincourt through Electoral Redistribution!

What the hell!!

Agincourt is part of our history plus we would end up with less representation in the House of Commons.

We would have less to say about what we is happening in our lives.

This would lead to frustratiion within the electorate.

This could result in more angry convoys. (Not me.)

Just look at the corner of Pharmacy and Finch. Agincourt is still growing with more to come!

Please do not put a part of Scarborough-Agincourt and a part of the neighbouring Scarborough North into a single riding renamed Scarborough Northwest thus annihilating Agincourt and causing the residents to have less federal representatiom in the House of Commons.

Joan Watson
A Proud Agincourt Resident

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