Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 288 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jehro Celemin

I would like to maintain the current standing of six federal electoral ridings in Scarborough. I would not like less federal representation in the House of Commons due to the following reasons:

  • Community of Interest
    • Scarborough has a network of interconnected local services, organizations, and businesses. Not considering the area's unique demographics jeopardizes the service areas of 42 Division community policing, local healthcare and other community services.
  • Community Identity
    • Agincourt is North Scarborough's oldest community. The redistribution disregards the historical and cultural identity and significance of the Agincourt name. The entire North Scarborough community grew out of Agincourt Village, which was established 164 years ago.
  • Population Growth
    • The proposal does not account for the fact that our population is still growing, with 5 projects under construction currently, and 15 projects pre-construction.

Kind regards,

Jehro Celemin

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