Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 295 commentaires et rétroaction

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James G. O'Rourke

I am a Canadian Citizen and elector in Etobicoke Centre. I have long had a very lively interest in democratic processes. I wish to express my support for the proposed changes by the Commission to the boundaries of Etobicoke Centre and Humber ridings.

I want to thank the commissioners and their teams and all citizens who have and are participating in the crucial democratic process of engaging in the redistribution of electoral boundaries.

My overriding priority is the Commission's commitment to "voter equality" that is parity of population in ridings, which is a key long-term contributor to a healthy democracy.

I also want to commend the reasonable and thoughtful result of the Commission's proposal for the geographic content of Etobicoke Centre and Humber.

My wife and I have been residents of Etobicoke Centre for forty years, first in the Kipling and Rathburn area and for thirty-six years in the Royal York area.

My children grew up attending Primary and Secondary schools locally. I was on the School Council of their Secondary school during their attendance and the School Council Chair for three years. I coached their sporting teams in the area over the years.

I have also been an active participant in the life of the community in many other ways. It has allowed me the opportunity to be become familiar with and well informed on all parts of Etobicoke as well as the communities and neighbourhoods adjacent to it.

I have an understanding of redistributions over the decades. The point is that population changes and electoral boundaries must do so also. It is critical to a strong democracy.

I have been a proud elector of Etobicoke Centre and if the proposed redistribution occurs, I will be an equally proud elector from Humber.

I thank the Commissioners and all those who have involved themselves in this electoral boundary redistribution and I salute you and am grateful for your commitment to a stronger democracy.


James G. O'Rourke

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