Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 300 commentaires et rétroaction

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Helen Iacovino

As a Canadian citizen and voter residing and voting for over 35 years in the riding of Scarborough Agincourt, I would like to register my opposition to the proposed electoral district redistribution which would see my half of the riding (the western half) merge into the existing North York riding of Don Valley North. I am dismayed and disappointed at this proposal, and completely opposed to it. Scarborough is growing, not shrinking - so I do not understand how my Scarborough community can be better served by having only 5 districts as opposed to the current 6 districts. You are collecting citizen feedback - please register my views.

We all know of the gerrymandering of electoral districts that has taken place in the US, for political reasons, leading to districts with very strange shapes. I am wondering what forces and corporations might be lobbying for these changes, and for whose advantage. I am aware that the process in Canada is different from the US, and that our electoral system is more independent of political parties - As it should be! - however I am concerned as to where all this may lead. In Canada, as everywhere, we need to defend our democratic systems.

The favour of a reply would be appreciated. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Helen Iacovino

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