Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 301 commentaires et rétroaction

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Helda Lai

I am writing to you to object the proposed 2022 Federal Election Boundary Redistribution

based on the following:

  1. Under-estimation of the 2021 Census on population of Scarborough because it was conducted in the middle of the pandemic where people were being shut in. Moreover Scarborough has a very high percentage of immigrants and it is an extremely diverse community. The literacy variations among the people in this community would have an adverse effects on their response to census.
  2. Community Identity : I have been living in Scarborough Agincourt since 1997 and I got to know that Agincourt Village was established 164 years ago, this historical and cultural identity must be respected and preserved.
  3. Community of Interest: current network of local services, organisations , health care , policing and businesses would be negatively affected due to the proposed change. The continuity and consistency in services are crucial to meet people's needs.
  4. Population growth : Scarborough's population is still growing in view of the many construction development projects here. The proposed change will be disturbing to us.
  5. Scarborough needs to stand wholesome and not be broken into distorted pieces in order to have enough representations. The proposed change will diminish our voice and People of Scarborough deserved to be respected and treated fairly.

Therefore, I ask that there should NOT be an Electoral Boundary Redistribution in Scarborough.

Yours sincerely

Helda Lai

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