Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 316 commentaires et rétroaction

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Dewey Tam
Paula Tam
Melissa Tam
Alex Tam
Katherine Tam

We live within the proposed zone that will be transferred from current Scarborough-Agincourt electoral riding to Don Valley North riding, and our family (Dewey Tam, Paula Tam, Melissa Tam, Alex Tam, and Katherine Tam) is fully in support of this proposal, since geographically and current school district boundary wise (Public high school students from our area and adjacent Don Valley North all attend the same John A. Macdonald Collegiate Institute), and for other factors, our area has always been more similar to the adjacent Don Valley North riding than the current Scarborough-Agincourt or the proposed Scarborough Northwest riding.

Yours truly,

The Tam Family

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