Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 334 commentaires et rétroaction

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Scarborough Senior Chinese Association

We are writing on behalf of our Association to forward our opinion in the above-mentioned consideration, of dissolving Scarborough-Agincourt into three adjacent ridings, of the three levels of Government, federally, provincially, and city-wise, could be greatly affected.

Our review, as enclosed, is self-explanatory for your due consideration.

For and on behalf of
Scarborough Senior Chinese Association


Scarborough Senior Chinese Association

Review by SSCA in dissolving Scarborough-Agincourt into adjacent ridings

Scarborough Senior Chinese Association (SSCA) SSCA is a registered Not-For-Profit organization in Ontario founded in 1979, and has no paid staff in its operation. All annually elected directors are volunteers to manage and serve the organization. The objectives of SSCA are to promote and advance the health, welfare and interests of senior citizens and other citizens in the community; to establish and conduct classes of education, cultural, and athletic nature; to supply and render services; to further the interests of the community in general; and to provide assistance and information on Canadian customs and laws to newcomers. Every year, it participates in various fundraising activities for the United Way, the Mon Sheong Foundation, the Yee Hong Wellness and other charity communities. The registered membership is closed to 900, and SSCA develop in conjunction with the growth of Scarborough-Agincourt.

1. The specialties of Scarborough-Agincourt ridings.

1.1 Largest number of seniors, almost 50% of its total population;

1.2 Largest number who do not speak English, almost 50% of its total population;

1.3 The density of residents is highest, even among complete Scarborough boundary;

1.4 The number of multi-level condominium is highest, which include senior homes, long-term cared homes, low cost housing, within the Scarborough boundary;

1.5 The ratio of different ethnic groups also high, and there is rare disputes or racism among residents, instead everybody live in a harmonized and mutually cooperative manner;

1.6 Demand for senior homes and long term cared homes are high.

1.7 Unemployment rate is low.

2. Traffic, employment and schooling are convenient to Scarborough-Agincourt residents

2.1 Proximity to Toronto Sub-way / Sky Train and the Don Valley Parkway;

2.2 Local employment, in Down Town Toronto and near Don Valley Parkway;

2.3 Commercial and industrial plaza both in Scarborough boundary, and alongside Woodbine Avenue which is closed to Scarborough boundary;

2.4 Junior and secondary schools in Scarborough-Agincourt riding, plus sufficient charity organization to help new comers and immigrants, or to those who do not speak English.

3. Shortage of senior housing across Canada including Scarborough-Agincourt

3.1 Scarborough-Agincourt is also experiencing high demand of senior residence both for senior homes and long term cared homes, due to its densely population and growth;

3.2 Though the City of Toronto has initiated different options, to resolve housing demand for residents, the waiting list is still long (closed to 1 million applicants), which could be similar to other provinces. Both the Federal and Provincial Government also offer various incentives for charity organizations to build affordable housing.

4. Study in how Scarborough-Agincourt riding is harmonized

4.1 Community harmonization is important, and the study and evaluation of how Scarborough-Agincourt achieved this objective seems necessary, for a formalized town planning guideline for country-wide reference;

4.2 Focus on how different ethnic groups and non-English speaking communities live together, seniors and mutually respecting others, should also be evaluated.

5. Draw back consideration of dissolving Scarborough-Agincourt riding

5.1 The disrupt to the electoral boundary will disrupt the official support and advisory services through the 3 levels of Federal/Provincial/City supports to residents, and complaints may arise, making the respective expanded ridings difficult to operate;

5.2 The disrupt to the electoral boundary will disrupt operational boundary of the respective charity organizations in offering their services to residents;

5.3 The harmonized resident relationship may also be disrupted, initially within the boundary of changes, and a negative impact could be activated damaging the already harmonized relationship among citizens, creating new problems in the community.

5.4 There could be a negative opinion against the Federal Government's commitment to resolve the demand of senior homes and long term cared homes for seniors in the community due to dissolving Scarborough-Agincourt community into 3 adjacent communities with revised statistic calculation of housing need.

6. The built up of harmonized relationship among citizens

6.1 Our previous experience of electoral boundary changes, from 6 cities amalgamated into one Maga City called "City of Toronto", is being detached as new councilors have their new agenda of operation, and eventually disconnected;

6.2 The built up of Government support confident takes years, of which, we still remember the great effort by MP Arnold Chan, MP Jean Yip, MPP Aris Babikian, and City Councilor Nick Mantas, rebuilding and reconnecting the inter-relationship in this community.

7. SSCA opinion on the proposed electoral boundary of Scarborough-Agincourt

7.1 The proposed electoral boundary changes of Scarborough-Agincourt may follow initial though of the Federal Government, to make an effective improvement to the community, but eliminating the Scarborough-Agincourt community is not supportive or recommendable due to consideration as listed above;

7.2 A newer consideration is that, the current successful achievement of Scarborough-Agincourt should not be ignored, and an analysis and study could be carried out to identify reasons and ways of its success. The findings on its formation and the associated factors identified could be used for other city planning reference.

7.3 A Maga Scarborough City could also be considered, with the associated communities, plus the on-hand housing solution to meet community needs with a larger population. Maga Scarborough City could become a more distinct City in Ontario.

7.4 In consideration of Maga Scarborough City, the review of job opportunity needs, a comprehensive review of the community for the provision of commercial/industrial provision to overcome the concern of job available for local residents, and some of the branch offices in downtown Toronto could be encourage to move northward with its convenient in traffic, and at the same time relief the heavily congestion of Don Valley Parkway by commuters during rush hours.

7.5 To avoid competition in construction for establishing the proposed Maga Scarborough City, the revised town planning model have to impose development schedule as general guideline, from causing property market rapid raise, and shortage of construction labor, to the newly proposed Maga Scarborough City. This process when finalized, could create a smooth growth of resources development and job market, also as a longer-term job creation strategy.

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