Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Pandit Damodar Sharma

Hello, please take the attached letter to register our opposition to any proposed changes to the Scarborough North Riding.


Pandit Damodar Sharma
Head Priest and Spiritual Leader
Durham Hindu Heritage Centre


Durham Hindu Heritage & Cultural Centre

October 28, 2022

Durham Hindu Heritage Centre is a Charity in Scarborough North located at 2701 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON M1X 1M4. We have been a registered charity since September 2013, serving the needs of people of Indian descent and Hindus from the Caribbean, Fiji, India, and many other parts of the world.

Hinduism is the second largest religious group in Scarborough North after Christianity, and Hindus make up 15% of the Scarborough North population, one of Canada's highest percentages. DHHC is a place of worship and cultural learning for Hindus, and much of our congregation live in Scarborough North.

DHHC is disappointed and disagrees with the Ontario Redistribution Commission's proposal to move the boundary of Scarborough North to McCowan Road and remove a Federal Electoral Riding from Scarborough.

Removing Scarborough North Riding from Scarborough will negatively alter our diverse representation in an underrepresented community. In addition to having a significant Hindu population, Scarborough North has 91% visible minorities and 70% immigrants, which is the highest diversity level in Canada.

DHHC communicates regularly with the local MP, MPP and City Councillor. The clear lines of communication in the Scarborough North community have allowed DHHC to grow and develop and support the Hindu population effectively.

DHHC respectfully asks the Ontario Redistribution Commission to protect the representation we have for our Hindus and Indian descent community members. We respectfully request you keep the Scarborough North boundaries as it is and not remove a Federal Electoral Riding from Scarborough.

Pandit Damodar Sharma
Head Priest and Spiritual Leader

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