Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 356 commentaires et rétroaction

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Marianne Freire-Gormaly and Raymund Cayetano

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario
PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario, N6E 3T3

September 23, 2022

Dear Ms. Paula Puddy,

As voting residents of the Scarborough-Agincourt Riding for almost 10 years, we strongly oppose the redistribution and proposed changes to the boundaries, name change and reduced representation of our Electoral district.

The proposed redistribution of our federal electoral boundaries and reduction of representation in Scarborough, will severely impact our ability to protect our unique network of interconnected local services, organizations, businesses and community programs. We chose to live in this riding for the unique opportunities available here. The proposed changes, put many of these programs and services in jeopardy since it will likely not be feasible to maintain all the personnel or funding needed to support both the programs from Scarborough- Agincourt and those currently offered in Scarborough North. Of particular concern, is the impact this redistribution will have on our community policing, local health care units, Education Wards and other community services to name a few.

Considering that the proposed boundary changes account for the 2021 census population results which have shown a decrease in population in both districts of Scarborough-Agincourt and Scarborough North, these changes do not take into account the current and projected population growth within these areas. Across the Scarborough-Agincourt district alone, there are currently multiple large Condominium/ Housing projects underway and many other projects in various constructions phases not set to be completed until 2032. Our local example, is the Agincourt Mall redevelopment project recently approved, which will add almost 5,000 condominium units to our neighbourhood. When completed these new builds will bring an influx of residents to this area. If implemented, the changes will leave our current residents and newcomers in a larger combined region competing for insufficient political representation, support, and transportation. This further reduces the quality of life we should be working towards improving. We would suggest that it is more prudent to wait for these districts to go through their current growth and development before restructuring and re-organizing the area. In this way, appropriate and adequate representation can be safeguarded and ensures that these Electoral districts will have the support needed to go through an already complicated and unsettled time of development.

Finally, Scarborough-Agincourt is known as one of Scarborough's oldest communities. The Scarborough Historical Society claims that Agincourt can trace its history to June 1st, of 1858; this is before Confederation in 1867! This was a time of much division and political conflict between English and French speaking areas of the Dominion. Yet two friends, were able to come together to establish a post-office with a name that would offend neither the French nor the English and Scottish communities in the area. As immigrants continued to settle here, this region became known as Agincourt village. Subsequently North Scarborough developed from the overflow. Having grandparents who built their home near Kennedy Rd. and Sheppard Ave. in about 1955, who stayed to raise their family here and who supported the development of the neighbourhood throughout their lives, we feel staunch ties in protecting the district and legacy that they helped build. This redistribution plan disregards the identity and historical significance of both the Agincourt name by trying to remove it, and at the same time disregards the numerous families that built the community over the years. Let's protect our history!

We, as Scarborough-Agincourt constituents entreat the Commission to take into account our concerns for community interests, population growth with development projects and the historical significance in the Agincourt name. Please review the 2021 demographic data combined with infrastructure projects both planned or underway. In addition, we implore the Commission to keep our federal boundaries as they are presently, as they align with our provincial and municipal boundaries. Let us have a representative vote in Scarborough Agincourt and Scarborough North.


Marianne Freire- Gormaly, OCT & Raymund Cayetano

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