Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 360 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kalsang Phuntsok
Sonam Tsering
Dechen Gawa
Passang Lhamo
Tenzin Lhawang

Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario

℅ Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary

PO Box 37018 Southdale

London, Ontario N6E 3T3

Dear Commissioners:

Our organizations represent thousands of Tibetans who live and work in Toronto. For many years, Parkdale has been the hub of the Tibetan community in Ontario and we are writing today to offer our thoughts on the proposed changes to the electoral district of Parkdale—High Park.

1. Change of Name

As organizations committed to reconciliation, we were glad to see the addition of a Haudenausaunee place name to acknowledge the territory on which our community is located. However, we are concerned that in the process of adding the name 'Taiaiako'n', another community has been left behind.

For decades and decades, Parkdale has been a significant community for immigrant, newcomer, and refugee communities. The recognition of the community of Parkdale in an electoral district name is a recognition of the diversity which makes Canada a stronger country. In the last several decades, Parkdale has welcomed large groups of Polish, Caribbean, Filipino, Roma, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Portuguese, and East African immigrants—a primary reason why Parkdale has been dubbed by some as the "landing strip" of Toronto.

Parkdale also represents the majority of the tenant and working class people in the riding, one that we believe should be reflected in our name.

Therefore, we propose that the electoral district retain the Parkdale name for our riding.

2. Change of Boundary

We believe there is an opportunity to unite a community of identity and interest which is currently segregated by electoral district boundaries.

As the Tibetan community in Toronto has grown and matured, and in the face of gentrification and housing financialization in the South Parkdale neighbourhood, a significant and growing number of Tibetan community members moved to the Stockyards neighbourhood, just north of St. Clair Avenue West.

As the commission looks to grow the size of federal electoral districts within the City of Toronto, we believe that the Tibetan community could be further unified within a single federal electoral district. We propose that instead of adding the Liberty Village neighbourhood (east of Dufferin) to the Parkdale—High Park electoral district, the commission instead pushes the northern edge to the natural boundary created by Marie Baldwin Park and the Lavender Creek.

Incorporating the entire Stockyards neighbourhood, as well as Syme and Lambton, within the Parkdale—High Park electoral district, would unify this part of Toronto's Tibetan community with the community's hub of "Little Tibet" in South Parkdale.

Additionally, many of our community members who live in The Stockyards are already connected by virtue of faith and cultural communities to the current district of Parkdale—High Park.

  • 1. Many of them pray at Riwoche Tibetan Buddhist Temple of Toronto on Heintzman Street, Karma Sonam Dargye Ling Buddhist Temple on Maynard Avenue, or Gajang Tibetan Buddhist Center on Jameson Avenue.
  • li. Many seniors attend programs at the abovementioned centres.
  • lii. Many celebrate their culture at the weekly Lhakar Gorshey held at Parkdale Collegiate Institute in the summer.
  • liii. Many of their extended family members live in the South Parkdale neighbourhood.
  • liv. Many frequent the small businesses (grocery and restaurants) that meet the need for culturally appropriate food and other household items.

A new electoral district with the following boundaries would result in a unified Tibetan community and also fulfil the growth in population, which the commission is looking to attain.

Thank you for your consideration of our proposals and requests. We hope that the commission uses this opportunity to consider how unifying the Tibetan community in Parkdale—High Park would contribute to stronger representation.

Yours sincerely,

Kalsang Phuntsok, President

Sonam Tsering, President

Dechen Gawa, President

Passang Lhamo, President

Tenzin Lhawang, Chair of the Board of Directors

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